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Oh dear.
17 décembre 2015

Call me Pete

Call me Pete
C'est étrange, quand on a un enfant, et quand on vieillit, aussi, on paie tellement plus cher les excès, que c'en est injuste et disproportionné. Je suis allée à une soirée de bloggeuses dans ma ville provinciale, un soir en semaine, ainsi qu'à mon cours...
4 janvier 2016

Pourquoi je lis

Pourquoi je lis
Un jour, mon père m'a dit un truc qui m'a fait réfléchir. (En fait, mon père m'a dit des tas de trucs qui m'ont fait réfléchir, mais on ne va pas les faire tous aujourd'hui). Il était allé au supermarché local, et avait jeté un oeil au rayon Livres. Il...
27 novembre 2015


On dirait que je reviens. Et on dirait que je trouvais à nouveau les mots, tous ces mots qui sont restés en sommeil à l'intérieur de mon petit moi tout écrabouillé par la vie ces dernières années. Oh, rien de bien extraordinaire, vous savez. La vie, celle...
17 avril 2016

Me, in an Act of Desperation

When you told me that you had met someone, I felt like you had kicked me in the stomach. I literally couldn't breathe properly for the next few hours, and on and off for the next few days. Whenever I hear your words, over and over again in my mind, I...
22 avril 2016

Spiraling down

So now I'm ill. Pretty ill. I feel ridiculous, like Marianne in Sense and Sensibility, collapsing with high fevers after she get dumped by her worthless lover. I was always Elinor, never Marianne. But here I am, with fevers going over 40 degrees for the...
3 mai 2016

On and on and on

I was supposed to be on sick leave for two weeks, the doctors said. But I'm self-employed, and stupidly proud, so I turned down alimony when we got divorced. Which means that if I don't work, I don't have any money. So I just took 2 days off, and tried...
12 mai 2016

Sometimes I'm ok

And sometimes I'm so sad I can barely breathe. Sometimes I look at my life and I'm in shock: how could this be ? You went to the seaside with her this weekend. I keep talking with people who went to the seaside this weekend too, and while they're telling...
18 avril 2016

The Other Woman

Of course I'm not asking for any information about her. It's none of my business, is it ? And I'm none of her business either, I suppose. I can't imagin you've been telling her about our unofficial situation, have you ? She probably thinks you've been...
16 avril 2016

And so it is, Now

Yes, I know we've been officially separated for the last two years. And yes, I know we've been actually divorced for a year. And that you've told me, several times, that you wanted to meet someone else, move one, have a new life. But I chose to look at...
2 décembre 2015

Vintage Christmas

Parce que Noël, chez nous les étrangers, ce n'est pas 2 jours épuisants de surconsommation frénétique (enfin, pas seulement). Parce que c'est tout un esprit, du partage, de la musique, des chansons, des cartes hyper chic ou hideuses préparées avec l'amour...
18 avril 2016

Day 8

Yesterday, you came and brought our son home after the weekend at your parents. As we'd agreed, we had dinner together, as usual, so that nothing is disrupted for our son. Nothing, except one of these days he's going to find another woman one Sunday morning...
29 avril 2016

So I was ill

So ill, in spite of your indifference, that I ended up in hospital, with a kidney infection. Had to dump our son at a friend's because you weren't up after a late night and couldn't have him. I suppose after you woke up a bit more you felt slightly bad...
Oh dear.
Oh dear.